Pros Better supply system, has 4 4 upgrade, + hero, powerful abilities.
Cons detection can take awhile. Very little siege. Mediocre technology
Beast units and structures
Dire wolf x1 upgrade avaialbe
Basilisk high dps, low hp. x3 upgrades available
Boar of war tough cheap brute. anti mech
Cattle A disruption unit that has distraction passive. Provides supply. Shoots air
Warg lifesteal, anti biological anti beast and anti armor
Werewolf tanky aoe
Beastmo-bile crude and limmitted trebuchute, good for siege
Raven Simple flock of birds for scouting.
Druid Healer and protector. has bloodlust.
Coultal A mythical (dnd) creature with powerful divine energy.
Woodelf stealth upgrade available
Dragon king (hero)
(locusts and monstercreature) summoned by hero. Locusts deal with buildings.
the creature has aoe ability and 300 hp
Drake strain Dragon slower beefier longer range dragon with higher damage per hit
Special features + better supply + has 4 4 upgrade + hero and other powerful ez to micro spells
More on beasts
BEAST tips. All buildings provide supply cows can be for extra provide supply. Many builds for ex -Temple rush -1 base 2 burrows 1 den. -1 base x3 shrines. elf and warlock bloodlust cloak rush